Unless you have been living in a tech-free, media-free world, you have likely heard an overabundance about intermittent fasting. This eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting has been around for a long time (likely for thousands of years), but people are really starting to catch on. That is for good reason. If you are interested in learning more, we are going to talk about some of the great health benefits of intermittent fasting.
If you are anything like me, you have thought about trying all kinds of eating plans, but the idea of intermittent fasting caught my attention because it is so fascinating. Many diet plans or eating programs either seem to be too restrictive, or too expensive and this is neither. Intermittent fasting is an eating program in which you cycle periods of time where you fast between meals. Many people use part of this fasting time during the time in which you sleep to make it easier. For example, if you want to fast 12 hours per day, you can avoid eating 2 hours before bed, sleep for 8 hours, and then don’t eat until 2 hours after you wake up, you have your 12 hours.
So now that we know how simple intermittent fasting can be, let’s talk about how intermittent fasting can benefit your health.
7 Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
There have been countless clinical studies on intermittent fasting. These studies have shown that it can, in fact, benefit the fitness levels, mental health and overall health of anyone that decides to follow an intermittent fasting plan.
Intermittent Fasting Repairs Cells and Changes Hormones
When you follow an intermittent fasting plan, your insulin levels will drop, your growth hormones will increase and your cells will repair more quickly. All of these changes are the basis for many of the positive health changes that occur when you begin intermittent fasting.
Intermittent Fasting Helps to Reduce Inflammation
Inflammation can lead to diseases and recent studies have shown that intermittent fasting can help to reduce inflammation in our bodies. This lowering of inflammation appears to be promoted by the reduction in “monocytes” in our blood, which are the cells that cause inflammation.
Related studies have shown that much of the inflammation that we suffer from is actually a symptom of overeating. Our bodies were not meant to be full all the time as often happens in western society. When we allow our bodies a break from eating, these inflammatory cells are reduced. Inflammation is a key tool in our bodies immune system to fight off infections, but none of us want to deal with inflammation just from eating too much, right?
Intermittent Fasting Means You Will Consume Fewer Calories
Since you have a longer span of time when you are not eating, that means that you will be eating fewer calories throughout the day. Whether you are trying to lose weight, feel less sluggish, or just trying to improve your overall health, fewer calories can do that. Just make sure that you aren’t adding those extra calories into the meals that you are eating.
Intermittent Fasting Boosts Metabolism
One benefit of intermittent fasting that comes as a surprise to many people is that it boosts your metabolism. It does this because it allows your digestive system to rest. Honestly, with today’s hectic schedules, our digestive systems are not given enough opportunity to rest. When your digestive system is allowed time to rest, it becomes energized and this means more energy and more calories burned.
Intermittent Fasting Boosts Weight Loss
Intermittent fasting boosts weight loss for several different reasons. First, you are taking in fewer calories, which will often translate to boosted weight loss. Additionally, your metabolism will be energized which means more fat burning. Lastly, because of the improvement in hormones, you will have a higher breakdown of body fat.
Intermittent Fasting May Boost Heart Health
Intermittent fasting has been proven to decrease blood pressure and bad cholesterol, as well as the previously mentioned lower inflammatory and blood sugar levels. All of these things have the potential to improve your heart health.
Intermittent Fasting Can Create Overall Better Health and Longer Lifespan
We have talked about some of the various benefits that come with intermittent fasting, and it is important to take note that all of these benefits create overall better health. Having overall better health can also lead you to have a longer lifespan.
Choosing to make the decision to begin intermittent fasting doesn’t mean you have to change your diet itself, it just changes when you eat. That being said, the better you eat, the better results you will have.
While there are many benefits of intermittent fasting, it may not be the best idea for some people. Like with any other dietary change, you should always speak to your doctor to ensure that it is a program that will work for you.
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